Time passed so fast, that I dint know that another year is coming.
there were loneliness in school, then made friends,
study study and then exams,
oh gee 4 terms has passed so fast.
looking at my results.. huh i've done better than last year.
taking notes in class is worth it though.
Yeah, 2009 was a great year..
oh plus the wishlist by my side bar..
i'm gonna remove it and will list out 2010's wishlist~
so here is 2009:
♠a digital cam √
♠new ipod earphones X
♠a new pendrive X
♠shoes √
♠a dress X
♠forever21 wishlist X
♠ a new shopping bag √
♠a new bag √
♠a new watch X
♠a new pencil box √
♠more G1 pen √
♠a new freaking pair of glasses √
♠50 ways to find a lover X
♠Spud X
♠The Green Book X
♠Chicken soup for the soul: Love stories X
♠and MORE NEW FRIENDS! √√√√√
cham lor. xD so much...
anyway will update the list with new stuff. :) look out!
I'm gonna miss form 2 life and look forward to formm 3.. *eek*
had a great year.
found a great boy
grew closer to God
meet more friends
went for mission
thank you year 2009..
and now,
i shall welcome......